For authors

To the attention of the authors of the all-Ukrainian scientific and practical professional collection of scientific works

“Subcarpathian Law Herald”!

The editorial board of the scientific and practical professional collection of scientific works “Subcarpathian Law Herald” invites scientists, practitioners, and readers, who are interested in the issues of the journal to cooperate. Materials for publication are submitted in Ukrainian and English and must comply with the current standards for printed works.

The scientific article should contain a problem statement, an assessment of the state of literature,  purpose, task of the submitted material on the chosen issue, conclusions and prospects for the further research.

Articles are accepted to No 1 of the scientific and practical professional collection of scientific works “Subcarpathian Law Herald” for 2025, before February 28, 2025.


  1. To the left of the article title is UDC.
  2. The volume of the article – 8-18 pages (point size ­­– ­­­14, line spacing – 1,5).
  3. Information about the author should involve ORCID. If you don't have the code, you can register at the link
  4. The references in the text are executed in the numerical order in square brackets.
  5. At the end of the text after References, there is the title of the article, summaries (volume: 1800 symbols each), key words (up to 5) in Ukrainian and English.
  6. References should be given at the end of the article.

Prohibition of using scientific works of the occupying country
It is prohibited citing and including in the reference list russian-language contributions published in any country, incl. papers written in other languages but published in russia and belarus.


  • Theory and history of state and law;
  • Constitutional and municipal law;
  • Civil and economic law and process;
  • Labour law, social welfare law;
  • Environmental and land law;
  • Administrative law and process, financial law, cyberlaw;
  • Criminal law, criminology;
  • Criminal procedure, criminalistics;
  • International law.



For publication of the article in the scientific and practical professional collection of scientific works “Subcarpathian Law Herald” No. 1 for 2025, it is necessary to send the following materials to e-mail Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. before February 28, 2025:

  1. fill out a certificate of author;
  2. article;
  3. a scanned confirmation of payment of a publication fee (after reviewing and plagiarizing the article).

Academic integrity

The editorial board carries out an internal anonymous review of the article after which, the authors receive the payments details for the publication.

The articles are checked for plagiarism using the software developed by the Polish company

The editorial board accepts articles of the students only in co-authorship.

Materials, submitted with violation of the requirements of the standards are not accepted for editing and publication. The editorial office reserves the right to edit the materials, to shorten and specify the title. Published materials express the position of the author, which may not coincide with the opinion of the editors. The author is responsible for the probability of facts, statistics and other materials.


The electronic version of the magazine will be posted on the website until April 30, 2025.
The printed version of the journal will be sent to authors of articles who order a printed copy by May 30, 2025.



The publication fee is 1400 UAH. If the article exceeds 10 pages, then you have to pay 40 UAH for each additional page. The publication fee covers the costs associated with review, proofreading and editing of articles, layout of the collection and placement of its electronic version.
The electronic version of the journal is timely placed in public access on the publication's website.
If desired, the author of the article can order a printed copy of the magazine. The cost of a printed copy is UAH 800, which must be paid in addition to the publication fee.



UDC 349.2

Section 1. Theory of state and law

Ye. Yu. Podorozhnii

Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Senior Scientific Associate,

Senior Lecturer at Department Administrative Law and Process

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs




In the conditions of Ukraine's development on democratic, legal basis, one of the main tasks for it is the comprehensive enforcement of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of person and citizen, support of social order and protection of social values ... [1, c. 25].



  1. Малиновський В.Я. Державне управління: навчальний посібник. Вид. 2-ге, доп. та перероб. Київ, Атіка, 2003. – С. 576.



        Podorozhnii Ye. Yu. To the issue of formation principles of the institute of legal responsibility. – Article.

       The article discusses the concept and essence of the principles in terms of legal science and public administration theory, it is proposed the definition and list of basic principles of formation of institute of legal responsibility.

         Key words: legal responsibility, principles, principles of state governance, principles of law, principles of legal liability.



        Подорожній Є. Ю. До питання принципів формування інституту юридичної відповідальності. – Стаття.

     У статті розглянуто поняття і сутність принципів у розрізі правової науки та теорії державного управління, запропоновано визначення та перелік основних принципів формування інституту юридичної відповідальності.

         Ключові слова: юридична відповідальність, принципи, принципи державного управління, принципи права, принципи юридичної відповідальності.


Summary and key words in Ukrainian and English with the translation of the title and surname of the author(s) should be a minimum of 1800.



Editorial office of scientific and practical professional collection of scientific works “Subcarpathian Law Herald” Editorial and Publishing Unit of Research Department of the National University “Odesa Law Academy”

Address: Akademichna str., 2, office 1009, Odesa, Ukraine, 65009

Contact number of the office: +38 066 541 24 22

Hours: Mon-Fri, 08.00-17.00  (except holidays)


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Information for authors 



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