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- Опубликовано 10.02.2016 17:27
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“Subcarpathian Law Herald” is a scientific specialized publication in the field of jurisprudence, in which research, academic and practical staffs, doctoral candidates, postgraduates and applicants of scientific degrees can publish the results of their scientific research.
The publication was found in 2011 by National University “Odesa Law Academy”.
The collection is produced on the basis of the Ivano-Frankivsk Law Institute of National University “Odesa Law Academy”. The editorial board of the collection includes many well-known scholars in Ukraine and abroad that testifies to high requirements for the quality and novelty of publications.
ISSN 2305-0314 (Print) 2664-6234 (Online)
National University “Odesa Law Academy” is the successor to the rich traditions of Odesa Law School, the history of which dates back to 1847 (the time of existence of the Faculty of Law of The Richelieu Lyceum – the first higher educational institution in Odesa). In 1865, the Faculty of Law became a member of the Imperial Novorossiysk (New Russia) University. In 1997, when law science and education in Odesa turned 150 years old, Law Institute of Odesa State University was transformed into Odessa State Law Academy. Within a year, this higher educational institution acquired membership in the European University Association, and in 2000 the Academy received the status of the national higher educational institution. By the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated September 2, 2010, No. 893/2010, Odesa National Law Academy was reorganized into the National University “Odesa Law Academy”.
By the decision of the State Accreditation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, “Odesa Law Academy” was granted the license and certificate entitling to perform educational activity according to the IV, highest level of accreditation (including for foreign citizens) on the level of qualification requirements to Specialist, Master’s Degree in Law.
The provision of educational services by Odessa National Law Academy in Ivano-Frankivsk was started in 2008 on the basis of academic and consultation centre, which was reorganized into Ivano-Frankivsk faculty on the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated June 29, 2010, No. 640. Ivano-Frankivsk faculty, in accordance with the Order of the Rector of the National University “Odesa Legal Academy” dated June 27, 2014, No. 2267-5, was reorganized into Precarpathian Law Institute, which in September 2016 changed the name to Ivano-Frankivsk Law Institute, taking into account the need of the region in highly-qualified law personnel for work in judicial and law enforcement agencies, state authorities, local self-government and in order to increase the level of specialists training with higher legal education.
Today, Ivano-Frankivsk Law Institute of the National University “Odesa Law Academy” trains prosecutors and professional judges, provides training for specialists in other legal specialties. The National University “Odesa Law Academy” is one of the centres of legal education and science of Ukraine, the leading higher educational institution of jurisprudence, the successor of the glorious traditions of Odesa School of Law, which dates back to 1847.